The Carolina Spirit Quest Board of Trustees is elected by the membership at
the annual meeting held during
the spring event. It also includes the appointed Treasurer, the Director(s) of
this year's events, the Director(s) of last year's events and the
Director(s)-elect for next year's events.
The current Board of Trustees consists of:
Cynthia Campbell |
- President
- Member at Large until 2010
- Administrative Committee, chair
- Outreach and Service Committee
Hillsborough, NC |
moonfire72@gmail.com |
Stephanie Taylor |
- Vice President
- Member at Large until 2010
- Fundraising Committee Chair
- Administrative Committee
Durham, NC |
aine0021@yahoo.com |
Stephanie Barger |
- Secretary
- Member at Large until 2011
- Administrative Committee
- Outreach and Service Committee
Durham, NC |
wid829@yahoo.com |
Dick Merritt |
- Treasurer
- Finance Committee, chair
- Communications Committee
- Outreach and Service Committee
Hillsborough, NC |
dickmerritt@mindspring.com |
Chrissy Forsythe |
- Member at Large until 2011
- College Scholarship Committee
- Fundraising Committee
Pittsboro, NC |
elfin_healer@yahoo.com |
Al Dunmore |
- Member at Large until 2010
- College Scholarship Committee
Greensboro, NC |
AHDunmore@aol.com |
The Committees
Finance Committee |
- Dick Merritt, chair
- Kara Mueller
- Stephanie Taylor
The Finance Committee is responsible for budgeting, accounting, auditing, and long range
financial planning functions for the organization. |
Communications Committee |
- Lance Brown, chair
- Dick Merritt
- Jag
The Communications Committee is responsible for the internal and external communication
functions of the organization. This includes maintaining the membership and other mailing lists,
designating Board communication tools, and facilitating web presence. The newsletter editor reports
to this committee. |
Administrative Committee |
- Tim Woody, chair
- Stephanie Barger
- Dick Merritt
- Steph Taylor
The Administrative committee is responsible for bylaw changes, compiling and maintaining the
Policy and Procedure manual and other administrative tasks as required by the Board. |
College Scholarship Committee |
- Kara Lynn Mueller, chair
- Tim Woody
- Chrissy Forsythe
- Al Dunmore
The College Scholarship Committee is responsible for soliciting applications for the annual
college scholarship, reviewing and screening applicants, and recommending the recipient to the Board.
This committee is also responsible for maintaining the college scholarship selection criteria and
recommending any changes to the Board. |
Fundraising Committee |
- Steph Taylor, chair
- Kara Lynn Mueller
- Chrissy Forsythe
The Fundraising Committee is responsible for overseeing the gift giving functions for both
capital and program activities of the organization. |
Outreach and Service Committee |
- Cynthia Campbell, chair
- Stephanie Barger
- Dick Merritt
The Outreach and Service Committee is responsible for networking, coordinating activities with
other organizations, and researching and recommending service projects to the Board. This includes,
but is not limited to, participation in Pagan Pride Days and cooperative sponsoring of the Pagan
Leadership Skills Conference. |
Board Positions
At Spring Quest 2010 the members will elect three Board Members for terms expiring in
April 2012. Any member of CSQ, Inc. present at Spring Quest 2010 may
run for these positions.
According to the Bylaws, three (3) At-Large Board Members shall be elected each
year at the Spring event of Carolina Spirit Quest. Further, elected trustees
take office immediately after the Spring Quest, serve terms of two (2) years
and may serve not more than two consecutive two-year terms. Each voting member
of the Board shall reside in North Carolina, South Carolina or Virginia at the
time of initial election or appointment to the Board. Trustees shall attend
Spring Quest and all meetings of the Board held during their terms of office.
Nominations must be delivered to the Secretary, in writing, stating
the full name, address, phone number and, optionally, E-mail address of both
the nominee and three nominators. All nominators and the nominee must be
members in good standing and be eighteen years of age or older. The
nominators must certify that the nominee is willing to serve on the Board
through Quest 2012, the nominees and nominators have been required to be in
attendance at Spring Quest. Nominations will not be accepted from the floor.
Since our membership procedures are changing, it
is expected that there will might be modifications to these procedures at
some future date.
Voting takes place during the Spring Quest by written ballot. All
members in good standing who are eighteen years old or older who registerd
for the Spring Program by Midnight (12:00 AM) of Friday, April 16, 2010 are
eligible to vote. Absentee voting is not allowed. Nominees must attend the
Spring Quest at which they are nominated.
Board Member Job Description
Each board member must:
- Serve on the board for two years
- Reside in North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia on initial
appointment or election
- Attend the Spring Quest each year during the two-year term: the year
elected and two following years
- Attend four meetings per year: Presently scheduled for Friday night,
Saturday all day and Sunday to mid-afternoon in May, August, November and
- Make every effort to be available for emergency meetings and/or conference
calls and respond promptly to message from other board members.
Please see our latest newsletter for updates on meeting dates and locations.
You can e-mail the Board Secretary if you wish to attend and need directions.
All Board Meetings are open to members, but can go to Executive Session if needs arise.
The duties of the Board are:
- Make overall policy and direct and control CSQ affairs
- Appoint a Treasurer, who may or may not be an elected trustee
- Appoint the Director(s) of the program(s) for the current year
- Appoint the Director(s)-elect for the following year
- Approve the budget
- Be willing to help with the work of the event staff
The officers of CSQ are a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a
Treasurer. The Board names the Officers annualy from members
of the Board. The President is appointed at the February meeting and the Vice
President and the Secretary are appointed at the May meeting. The Treaurer is
also appointed annualy, but
does not need to be a member of the Board prior to appointment.
Board Meetings
The CSQ Board regularly meets for weekend retreats quarterly. Meetings run from late Friday
afternoon to early Sunday afternoon. They are held on the third weekends of February, May, August
and November. The third weekend is that which starts on the third Friday of the month.
The next several meetings are scheuled as follows:
May 21-23, 2010 |
August 20-22, 2010 |
November 19-21, 2010 |
February 18-20, 2011 |
The August 2009 Board retreat will be held in a rental house in New Hill, (Chatham County) NC.
CSQ pays for the venue, but Board members jointly purchase and prepare the meals. A member of
CSQ may attend a Board meeting at theur own expense.
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact info@carolinaspiritquest.org.
To contact the webmaster please email
Last updated 02/20/10