To give you an idea of what it costs to put on an event such as Carolina Spirit
Quest, here is the budget for the Spring 2000 event.
Expenses |
Board | 2400 |
| Board Administrative Expenses | 286 |
| Board Meeting Expenses (See Note 99) | 1000 |
| Web Page | 50 |
| Post Office Box | 64 |
| Newsletters (1) | 1000 |
Communications | 1458 |
| Fliers - stamps and copies | 175 |
| Ads | 100 |
| Registration packet (2) | 743 |
| Name tags | 20 |
| Telephone (3) | 100 |
| T-Shirts expense ($8.00 x 40) | 320 |
Programs | 1075 |
| Rituals | 1000 |
| Workshops | 25 |
| Childrens Program | 50 |
| Other Programs | 0 |
Operations | 995 |
| Food Service (4) | 960 |
| Volunteers | 0 |
| Security & Safety (5) | 35 |
Facilities | 3415 |
| Rental (Camp Millstone) | |
| Kitchen: 3 days X $150 | 450 |
| Recreation Hall: 3 days X $50 | 150 |
| Cabins: 70 x $20 (6) | 1400 |
| Staff House: 10 x $30 (7) | 300 |
| Maintenance fee: 80 x 5 (12) | 400 |
| Thursday night quarters for work volunteers (11) | 150 |
| Cleaning materials, soap for wash room, etc. | 50 |
| Supplies (Plastic) | 25 |
| Signs: 3 x $25 (8) | 75 |
| Equipment rental | 210 |
| Staff T-shirts (9) | 180 |
| Vendors - Flyers/Advertisement | 25 |
Miscellaneous | 500 |
| Miscellaneous | 100 |
| Scholarships (10) | 400 |
Total Expenses | 9843 |
Income |
Vendor Fees | 50 |
Workshop Fees | 50 |
Staff House surcharge 10 x $5 x 2 | 100 |
From Scholarship Fund | 400 |
T-shirt income | 480 |
Board Donation (13) | 1000 |
Board Sponsorship (14) | 1000 |
Registrations: | |
| 72 Adults at $87.00 | 6264 |
| 5 Children x $60 | 300 |
| 3 Children x $45 | 135 |
| Late Fee - 4 X $25 | 100 |
Income Total | 9879 |
(1) $250 each newsletter (4 x 400 copies)
(2) 8,000 pages for $400, postage 400 x .77, 400 envelopes for $35 -
probably too low. 500 now on mailing list. If we get 501(c)(3), we can
save on bulk mail.
(3) To cover any long distance calls by staff
(4) $12.00 per person x 80 people = $960
(5) Batteries and cords for Walkie-Talkies and expendable first aid
supplies for scratches, bites, etc.
(6) Charge per head is $10 per night plus $5 maintenance charge.
(7) For those in the staff house it is $15 per night plus $5
maintenance charge. The extra $10 is recouped with a $10 surcharge.
(8) Purchase of three weatherproof directional signs to show how to get
to Camp Millstone.
(9) 24 X $7.50
(10) 8 X $50.00
(11) 10 volunteers X $15 for Staff Cabin = $150.00
(12) There is a $5 maintenance fee for each participant, regardless of
length of stay.
(13) The Board agreed to donate the $1000 allocated for travel
reimbursement for Board Meetings
(14) The Board took up a collection of funds to reduce overall
registration costs
(99) Mandated by Board - This amount was donated to the income line
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact CSQuest@RTPnet.org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 3/4/01