"Spiraling into Our Center"
January 23-25, 2004 Fairy Stone State Park, Stuart, Virginia
Join Carolina Spirit Quest at the second annual - Winter Quest!
So many of us have jobs that don't allow us to listen to the cycle of the
natural world, particularly in the winter when Nature's message is one of rest
and renewal. The purpose of Winter Quest is to listen to the rhythms of Nature
and to do quiet reflective and nurturing rituals and activities. The event, like
last year's, will follow a pattern similar to that of a Spring Quest - but on a
more leisurely pace and scaled back participation. Registration is limited to
32 participants, so register quickly! Download
registration form or the complete
catalog in Portable Document Format (PDF).
We have lining up a selection of workshops appropriate for the season
and the spirit of the event:
- Creating and Walking Your Own Path. - Sharon Hill and Gryphon Rosemead
- Basket Making as a Moving Meditation (different basket style than in 2003)
- Tamia Buckingham
- Dream Time Pleasures - Becky Starr
- Finding Your Inner Wisdom: Creating a Unique Divination Tool - Becky Starr
- "I've got your number!", an introduction to numerology - Brenda Berry
- Hiking in the Winter Landscape on Park Trails - staff
- Gift of Pleasure: Hand and Foot Massage - Dick Merritt
Worship - our Opening Ritual will include the construction of our
Community Altar. The Main Ritual highlights the sharing of ourselves and our
talents. It will be meditative in nature. The Closing Ritual focuses on what
we each carry away from our journey.
Housing - The Fairy Stone Lodge and Cabins are heated and
air-conditioned. Linens are provided. Full kitchens and bath facilities are
incorporated in the lodge and each cabin. The lodge is handicapped accessible.
For more information on the Park, please visit the Virginia State Parks website
at www.dcr.state.va.us/parks.
Food Service - Meals will be planned and ingredients purchased,
however the preparation of the meals would be split amongst the participants.
It is a fine opportunity to get to know each other better.
Registration - Registration fee is $75.
Registration form and details are available
For more information, contact Dick Merritt (Director) at
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact info@carolinaspiritquest.org.
To contact the webmaster please email
Last updated 12/25/03