When we outgrew our original site in Pender County, the Spirit Quest Board
looked for Pagan friendly sites in central North and South Carolina and south
central Virginia using the criteria below. We found Camp Kanata. We believed
that it would meet our needs for several years. However, the Durham YMCA had
other ideas, so we used the Pender County site in 1999. Hurricane Floyd fixed
that place so that we were once again looking for a site for Spring 2000. We
found a wonderfull home at Camp Millstone. Camp Millstone will fill the bill
for now, but we hope to eventually attract more Pagans than the 150-160 that
Millstone can handle. Thus, we are constantly on the lookout for another site.
Quest also offers other events than the Spring gathering, so this
would need to be a site that we could possibly use twice or several times
throughout the year.
Some considerations for sites are listed below:
- For 2005, must hold approximately 200 attendees. More after that.
- Must have easy access to site via major roads.
- Signs must be weatherproof and visible day or night, whether they are
provided (like at a state park) or we provide them.
- What is the drive time from Central Carolina?
- Must be accessible by disabled attendees
- Must have Food Service space for 200-500.
- Must have Camping and Indoor housing.
- Can it handle Motorhomes and/or RVs?
- Is car camping acceptable?
- How many people can it house inside? How many camping?
- How many toilets?
- How many Showers?
- Must have multiple indoor meeting spaces (or at least sheltered).
- Alcoholic Beverages must be acceptable.
- Space for Spiritual Sauna. Nudity must be acceptable, and the area must be
shielded from outsiders.
- Must have appropriate ritual area inside and out. This means space that is
not visible to other sites or paths.
- Great Hall needs to be able to hold 95% of attendees. This can be a tent
- It must be a closed area or have well marked boundaries.
- We need a renewable annual contract.
- What is the cost of rental?
- What is the per head charge?
- Must be Pagan friendly.
- Must be central to the Carolinas. We defined this as an area with a
northern boundary of the foothills of South VA, a southern boundary of
Columbia, SC and about a hundred miles wide.
- Elevation needs to be less the 3,000 feet due to the time of year we meet.
- Must be family friendly.
- Must accomodate children’s interests and safety.
- Is there a playground?
- Are there pools?
- Are there rivers or other open water?
If you know of any place which might meet these conditions, please contact
One of the members of the board. Thank you.
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact info@carolinaspiritquest.org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 5/17/03