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![]() Workshop Presenter BiosAsherah lives in the mountains of North Carolina where she leads a private traditional teaching coven. She has been in the craft one way or another for most of her life. Asherah loves the Old Gods, nature and animals. Her Craft specialties include herbology. She is secretary of the CSQ Board and has been on the CSQ Board and served as Quest staff for several years. One of her main motivating factors is her concern that people new to the Craft have a safe, loving environment to begin their journey. Tammie Ward is a native of Durham, North Carolina, where she lives and works. She circles with many open and private groups. Tammie serves on the Quest Board of Directors, has been on the staff and leads several workshops for CSQ. Tammie enjoys the mountains and waterfalls and tries to go where the Goddess leads her. Gryphon Rosemead lives in rural North Carolina where she is involved in both public and private Pagan groups and organizations. She is a high school teacher who is concerned with developing Pagan tolerance in the public school system. Gryphon is currently Director of QuestSpecial and serves on the CSQ Board. Bill Elston; a Druid for over 40 years; Food Manager and Cook by trade; as well as being the Food Dude for Carolina Spirit Quest; a 3rd degree Reiki practitioner; teacher of Tarot, Color Magick, Irish Mythology; Student of the Runes, Oghams, Aroma Therapy, Herbalism, Light and Sound Therapy. His current major project - the application of the Irish Oghams as a healing modality. Dick Merritt grew into paganism through the influence of eco-feminist spirituality in the 80's. He has been a member of CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) since its inception and is one of the founding members of Celebrate the Circle. He has been leading rituals for groups of up to 300 participants and studying those led by others since the late 80's. Dick has been helping Unitarian Universalist congregations dream of the future and build their vision into long range plans for 15 years. With the Long-Range Planning Committee and the CSQ Board, he has been encouraging those in the Quest community to expand their dreams and to act on them. Cynthia Campbell grew up in a very haunted house in East Tennessee, where she learned to channel energy and cast protections at a very early age to maintain her sanity. Over the years, she developed her own version of Goddess worship (Christianity never made much sense to her), until in high school she met "real" witches for the first time. She has been officially pagan every since. She currently lives in Hillsborough, NC, with her life partner Dan and their three-year-old daughter Jessica, and is active with Celebrate the Circle in Durham. Dancefifer built his first magical instrument (a fretless banjo) in 1974. Extensively involved with music for sacred dance for many years, Dancefifer has been active in bardic sharing at magical gatherings. Torrin Da Mist - While having a life long obsession with sharp pointy objects, I've studied various martial arts for twelve years as well as instructed combat sword use for five years. Primarily a kitchen witch (I still get to play with sharp pointies), I've studied shamanism and meditation techniques, as well as visualization. I'm currently doing more research on Celtic and druidic paths. I live with my wife Tyanna and my 2 cats "Wizard" and "Banta." Silhouette has been a member of the Raleigh-Durham pagan community for about three years now and is active in Carolina Spirit Quest, Celebrate the Circle and the Lunatic Fringe. She has been reading the Tarot since she was thirteen years old and has worked with several decks and systems over the years. Joyce Allen describes herself as "an innocent little hedge-witch", and isn't really sure why people think that's so funny. She has dabbled in various textile arts for many years. About a year and a half ago, she finally got to pick up a drop spindle, and "it was like my fingers already knew what to do!" Joyce lives in North Carolina under the close supervision of her familiar, Graymalkin the Cat, and has more hobbies than time or good sense. RJ Perz-Edwards has been studying West-African percussion for about 5 years. For the past year he has been facilitating a percussion choir that meets once a week in Durham. He is also a drum-maker. Sharon Hill has taught workshops at Carolina Spirit Quest, Celebrate the Circle, and in other pagan and non-pagan venues. She is currently CSQ Workshop Coordinator, on the steering committee for Celebrate the Circle and involved in various pagan groups, but the greatest joy of her spiritual practice remains her personal relationship with deity and she would like to share that with others. Lynda Aiman-Smythe was born in New Mexico, is of Choctaw, Hispanic and Scotch-Irish heritage and has been hearing and telling stories all of her life. Brydie Fyrdragon has been a witch for anywhere from 22 to 2022 years and has dedicated her life to Isis for at least 20 years. She has been interested in art and design for many years in this plane. She finds combining collage and the craft the best of all the worlds. Recently she has become a Priestess of the House of Isis and made the commitment to carry Her work into the community. Those who would like more information may contact her at oakgrove@nc.rr.com. Tim Woody is the father of three beautiful and marvelous children and a student of Earth Based Spirituality. He has been working with and learning about Children’s Spirituality since his oldest daughter, Sundance, was a toddler. Sherri Woody is the mother of three incredible and fabulous children and has volunteered to run the 0 to 5 children program this year at Quest so she can be part of the community in which her husband and oldest daughter have been involved for the past few years. Rusty - I started dancing shortly after walking. I started bellydancing quite a few years ago. There were a few years of professional bellydancing, but then I lost touch until CSQ 2001. I have been dancing regularly again ever since. ![]() To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster. Last updated 3/5/02 |