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![]() Workshop Details
Quest is presenting a workshop for new folks. This fun, fact-filled mini workshop is offered to anyone attending their first Quest. Please come even if you are a veteran of other gatherings. Lady Asherah, Gryphon, and Tammie have attended several Quests. They promise you some fun and a few surprises. We welcome anyone who has attended Quest to come and offer their favorite tip. Participants should come dressed and ready for the opening ritual in case this workshop runs late.
Mankind has been fascinated by the energy of fire since the beginning of time. This workshop will address the use of fire as a divinatory technique. In what part of a fire (flame, ash, smoke, ember) can we discover images to assist us in discovering our own answer to the questions and/or situations life presents to us. Which fuel (type of tree or herb) should be used for specific questions. How to make the quarter fires burn the color of the direction/energy.
The workshop will help you to plan and conduct rituals for large groups of 50, 80, 100, even 300 participants. Learn how to translate rituals for small groups into ones for large groups while avoiding commonly made mistakes. Consider space, visibility, audibility, time limitations, and complexity. How can you make a large spiral dance come out right? How can you successfully integrate experienced and first time participants in large rituals without dropping the energy?
The sauna will be constructed by adult and teen participants that register for this Saturday morning workshop. Participants will bring home the knowledge of how to build their own sauna. Both construction of the sauna and the fellowship forged through this activity will enhance the experience of the sauna ceremony itself.
Grandmother Spider does it, Ariadne got in a lot of trouble for bragging about how well she could do it, and the Three Fates govern our lives with the way They do it. It's spinning; the making of thread from fluffy wool. Come and explore this home-liest of arts with Joyce Allen. This class will be limited to ten students, and is not recommended for those who are sensitive/allergic to wool. There is a $10 materials fee, which will cover samples of different kinds of wool and a drop spindle for you to keep at the end of the class.
This workshop will be an introduction to the ancient art of reading the Tarot. We will look at the history of Tarot, the correspondences of the cards with other systems such as astrology and celtic elemental magic. We will also discuss some simple meditative techniques that can be used in conjunction with the Tarot. It is not neccessary to bring your own deck, although you are encouraged to do so if you have one.
A practical use of sword technique and meditation for space clearing and banishing unwanted energies. This can be brought home to help the recipient banish unwanted energy at home or just to unwind and release while feeling positive flow. Participants are asked to supply their own weapon (or facsimile).
We will explore what we need from our spiritual practice, what we want from our spiritual practice and the steps between where we are now and where we want to be. We will discuss the elements of paganism and how they fit into our lives and lifestyles. It is a discussion, writing and visioning workshop and we may do a guided meditation.
Bellydance is great way to express your inner goddess for men as well as women. It is easy, fun and great exercise as well. You do not need any previous experience, as we will begin with very basic movements. Dress comfortably in loose clothing or dance attire.
Since ancient times the flute player - Kokopelli, Krishna, Pied Piper, etc - has been associated with magic. In this workshop (limit 10) each participant will learn how to make a side blown Native American plains bamboo flute and how to play it.
Air, Fire, Water and Earth - what can we do with these in our modern, science-savvy world? In this workshop, we will explore the four elements of magic: what they are and how we can use them in both our magickal and mundane lives. We'll learn our individual strengths and weaknesses and talk about ways to balance the good with the bad. Are you fluttering in Air, consumed by Fire, immersed with Water, rooted in Earth? Come join us and find out!
Using collage we will create several personal Major Arcana cards and title them. Bring scissors. (There will be a $10 fee for supplies.)
An experience in Shapeshifting, Morning Glory's Animal Spirit Circle has been enthusiastically received everywhere it has been presented. Using some techniques from the Council of All Beings training, this workshop involves a shamanic transformation through our evolutionary journey. Utilizing entrainment drumming, somatic remembering, and deep trancework we will re-evolve into the various different animal species. Finally we will dance our Totemic Animal Spirits and allow them to speak their ancient wisdom with our voices. This workshop can only be done outside on a grassy, level area; wear clothes that can stand crawling on the ground. Children are welcome if they can participate without being disruptive.
Learn the basics of West-African poly-rhythmic percussion. R.J. will give a brief introduction to the cultural context of this type of drumming, explain how to get the basic sounds, and then teach some rhythms. The heart of this music is the dundumba, sangban, kenkeni, and bell, so I'll bring several of each of these for people to borrow. Practice rubbing your stomach and patting your head, since you'll have to do two different things with each hand. Depending on the location and size of the workshop, earplugs might be a good idea. If you want to learn the accompaniments (which I'll also teach), an ashiko or djembe are best, but a conga or dumbek will work also. To get the best sound, hand drums should be tight. Push on the head with your thumb. If it's a little bit softer than a table top, then that's about right. Talk to me before the workshop if you need help tightening your drum.
A discussion of the purpose and some of the various forms of the spiritual sauna ceremony and how it can be adopted to modern neo-paganism. This will include logistical and safety considerations for running a sauna and a brief, but real, sauna based on the teachings of an Elder. Bring two large towels; one to sit on and one to dry yourself with. If you are wearing clothing, make it loose. Avoid spandex. The saunas are "clothing optional". Any person present may choose to be clothed or unclothed, according their level of comfort. While the sauna area is not handicap accessible, we will try to make this experience available to all who care to attend.
A system of energy healing discovered by Dr. Usui in Japan during the 1900's, Reiki heals on many levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Taught through instruction and initiation (attunements), Reiki is divided into three levels (degrees). First degree is best described as one-on-one sessions. Second degree is for distant healing and what has become known as Reiki on the fly (when time does not allow for a full session - usually 1-2 hours). Third degree is the teacher or master level. I am offering 1st degree Reiki at CSQ-2002. When each person who will be at the Reiki workshop arrives at CSQ-2002 that person will be given an instructional packet (basic history, theory, techniques). It will be their responsibility to read the packet before Sunday morning. They must understand that if they do not read the material, the attunement will NOT be given (each person will be required to demonstrate the basic hand positions - I do not expect perfection - but basic knowledge IS required). Additionally, it will be NECESSARY for each Reiki workshop attendee to volunteer for one extra work shift during CSQ-2002.
An understanding of the wheel of the year and the circle of life is basic to most Pagan paths. There are many ways to look at this circle, this wheel: physically, in terms of the Earth sciences; agriculturally, the crops, domestic animals, and the wild plants and animals before that; mythologically; and ritually. We will relate the solstices and equinoxes with the cycles of planting and harvesting, with the gestation of animals, and with the stories, which surround our seasonal celebrations. This workshop will help you integrate these cycles in you heart and life. Excellent for those new to or seeking a broader view of Paganism.
Paganism is a religion dedicated to, among other things, restoring the Balance: God and Goddess, humanity and Nature, the Light and the Dark. However, in our modern New-Age emphasis on "the Light", we have, like Peter Pan, become disconnected from our own Shadow. In this workshop we will explore the Dark Side of the Force in the form of The Shadow. We will review Shadow Tales, such as Lamont Cranston, examine the Shadows of our hidden Selves, explore Shadow Realms of the Underworld, and discover Reconciliation with The Shadow.
We will learn and discuss some basics of the House of Isis and what it means to be a Votary. Those who wish may then make the three month commitment to bring Isis into their lives. We will perform the ritual called Tying the Knot of Isis. All of us will participate in the ritual.
In most oral traditions, the shamans and wise elders tell stories. Stories are a way of knowing, and a way of teaching. In this workshop we will learn the basic components of storytelling, and will play with telling stories incorporating myth, themes, and your own personal experience. This workshop will emphasize the shamanic tradition of telling stories at home. ![]() To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster. Last updated 3/5/02 |