CSQ Special Event
Saturday, October 13th, 2001
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Hillsborough, NC
This year we are trying something new. We've taken three of the most popular
workshops from our Spring Quest event and expanded them into 6-hour intensives.
Brydie Fyredragon will be leading her Circle of Stones workshop using guided
meditation as a form of self exploration. Danny Moses and Dan Campbell will
provide an introduction to Runes and Scandinavian myth. Gryphon Rosemead and
Tammie Ward will present Sacred Blood, a look at the biological and spiritual
importance of menstruation
This is an opportunity to spend a full day more deeply exploring your chosen
topic. Join us for this day-long event of workshops, ritual and community.
Update 9/26/2001: The Circle of Stones workshop is now full. We will not be accepting further registrations for it. There are still spaces available in Sacred Blood and Yggrunar: Runes of the Ecstatic One so get your registrations in as soon as possible!
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact CSQuest@RTPnet.org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 8/2/01