Directors' WelcomeWelcome and Merry Meet!It's about the Journey, not the destination! As Pagans we are not worried about the distant future but what is happening with the now. How are we living each day? What is going on with our community now? How can we affect change today? Our view of time is a circular one without a permanent ending, rises and falls within the wheel. At Spring Quest 2007, you can take part in a weekend long celebration exploring ways to enhance the journey you find yourself on. We are happy to present an overall weekend that can help you grow on your spiritual path, grow in your community, or just provide great entertainment. We offer different programs for all ages of our community to include a children's program. We are a family oriented organization. Returning Questers and newcomers alike will find many things to enjoy this year. We offer rituals throughout the weekend to help you connect with the spirit of now. Our very talented and dedicated presenters will offer many different types of Learning circles to fit any type of interest. Other activities will include our annual Magickal Auction, a long-time tradition at Spring Quest and a great chance to buy one-of-a kind items that you may not find anywhere else. We will have our ever popular Porch Contest; so make sure to bring lots of decorations to help make your space your very own!! We will also have Community Altar space, and we invite you to bring a sacred item to place on the Altar. This is a great way to take home some of the great energy we will raise throughout the weekend. Lastly, as always, we will have a Gift Exchange table - remember to bring a gift so you can receive a gift from someone else! On top of the great these great activities, there will be drumming, singing, dancing, and great food. Most importantly we all have a chance to blend with our community. The best thing about Spring Quest for us is the sense of togetherness now; each of us coming together to make this a very positive experience and lasting impressions on each other that will travel with us. It is one magical weekend that we as diverse Pagans come together to celebrate. We hope to see you there! Brightest Blessings ~ Christine Ahrens and Raven
www.CarolinaSpiritQuest.org To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster. Last updated 02/21/07 |