Friday Afternoon Intensive Workshop

Last year we tried a new idea, an intensive three hour workshop held on Friday afternoon and featuring a known figure from the pagan community (Isacc Bonewits specifically, who was a great addition to our family). It worked out so well that we thought we'd try it again.

We're very please to welcome Oberon and Morning Glory Zell this year. They will be facilitating not only the friday intensive, but also several workshops during the weekend. For information on these, please see the workshop page.

Polyamory for Pagans

Oberon and Morning Glory Zell have had a successful open marriage for over 27 years, and have been in group marriages for half of that time (currently in a group of six). They coined the term "polyamorous" to describe such relationships. This is a special salon-style workshop for individuals and multiples, seeking to explore the possibilities of polyamory. Those who have read Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land (1961 version) or Donald Kingsbury's Courtship Rite (1982) will have appropriate background.

The fee for this workshop is $30 and includes lunch on Friday. This fee is separate from the weekend attendance fee. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to spend time with the Zells!

Check in for this workshop is Friday 11:00 - 12:45. If you are attending the entire weekend, please check in for the entire weekend at this time. The workshop begins at 1:00. Check our web site regularly for updates.

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart co-founded the Church of All Worlds in 1962. Incorporated in 1968, CAW became the first Neo-Pagan church to obtain full Federal recognition in the US. First to apply the terms "Pagan" and "Neo-Pagan" to the newly emerging Nature Religions of the 1960s, and through his publication of the Green Egg (1968-1975; 1988-96), Oberon was instrumental in the coalescence of the Neo-Pagan movement. In 1970, Oberon formulated and published the theology of deep ecology which has become known scientifically as The Gaia Thesis. With his soulmate, Morning Glory, he founded the Ecosophical Research Association, whose projects have included raising Unicorns, chasing Mermaids, visiting ancient sacred sites and exploring the Underworld. Now in a six-person group marriage, Oberon is the primary sculptor of The Mythic Images Collection, producing museum-quality replicas and beautiful original altar figurines of Gods, Goddesses, and mythological creatures. He is also working on a book to be titled TheaGenesis: The Birth of the Goddess.

Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart, Elder Priestess of the Church of All Worlds, was ordained in 1974, founded the Ecosophical Research Association in 1977 and co- founded the Holy Order of Mother Earth in 1978. She did her first vision quest in 1968 and helped develop a Sacred Wilderness retreat and the Living Unicorn project. She is a Goddess Historian, Loremistress and Priestess of the Great Goddess in Her many guises. Morning Glory currently travels and lectures with her extensive collection of Goddess figurines, teaching about the Goddess with a focus on loving relationships and the divine in our daily lives. She and Oberon have been together for 27 years, and are now in a group marriage of six people. The term "polyamory," applying to multiple loving relationships, was coined by Morning Glory in 1990, and has been entered into the Oxford English Dictionary. She is also the proprietor of Mythic Images, producing museum quality replicas of ancient Goddesses and Gods sculpted in partnership with Oberon.

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Last updated 2/13/02