Programs 2004
In keeping with our theme, "Our Magical Paths, Our Sacred Community", a
panel discussion of various sacred paths is being assembled on Saturday after
lunch. This discussion time will allow members of various paths to speak to
the community and answer questions. It will also allow us the opportunity to
discover more about paths that may not be our own. Join us in the Mess Hall
as we discover the similarities, and differences, that bring us together and
make us a stronger community.
If you would like to be a part of our panel to share your experiences and
"expertise" with the community, please contact Lisa at
daylily216@yahoo.com by April 1, 2004.
Drums are important links for modern Pagans to their past and to the many other
pagan groups around the world. The basic rhythms created by drumming connect us to
nature and to the deeper aspects of ourselves, and it is a lot of fun, too! Drumming circles
will be held on Friday and Saturday nights after the end of the other scheduled activities
and will continue for as long as drummers can stay awake! If you like to drum or dance to
the sounds of drumming, come prepared for those activities. Bring your drum, your
bongos, whatever you use to create a beat. Or, if you don't drum, the rhythm is sure to
pull you into a dance. Many of the participants indicated that the drumming circles were
among the best things about previous Spirit Quests.
Other informal events will occur. Check the schedule board in the Dining Hall for the
latest information. If you come up with an activity to share, put it on the schedule board
so others will know.
One event, a bards' circle, is planned for Saturday night. The purpose of a Bardic Circle is to
share stories, songs, ballads, boasts, promises, favorite gods/goddesses, etc. with the other
One of our Quest traditions is the Spirit Gift Exchange. Anyone who brings a gift can participate.
It's simple; bring a gift to share, take home a gift. This can be a way to share your artistic talents
(or your favorite local artist), a secret about your path, or a gift you found in one of your sacred
places in nature. Give from your heart. A note to explain your gift is always appreciated.
There will be a table in the dining hall to collect the gifts. The exchange will take place after the
closing ritual. Questions? Email us at
Community Altar
Quest 2003 will incorporate a huge central altar for everyone. Now here is your part: bring your
sacred objects to place on the altar. You may want to bring a bit of cloth or a small tray for your
objects. Candles are fine for this altar, but they must be contained such that they will not drip on
any cloth nor fall over. Also, we all need to be mindful of how much space we use on our altar. It
will be large, but so is our community. With your help, we can have a place of great beauty and
There will be just a few rules for our community altar:
- Objects are sacred, so if it is not yours, don't touch it.
- Objects, including candles, must be secure and not in danger of falling over.
- You are responsible for removing your objects on Sunday afternoon — we will remind you when it
is time
to do that.
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact CSQuest@RTPnet.org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 2/16/04