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![]() Spring Spirit Quest 2005 - Learning CirclesWelcome to Carolina Spirit Quest, where you will see familiar faces, make new friends, and have an opportunity to learn some amazing things. We have a diverse offering of Learning Circles (workshops) from Plant Medicine and Ritual Body Art to Massage and Astrology. Our Learning Circle presenters are experienced and enthusiastic. We are xcited about these Learning Circles because we think there is something for everyone! Please register early as participation in some Learning Circles is limited. A brief schedule of the Learning Circles is provided below, with links to where they are described in more detail. Learning Circle Schedule
Please Note: Learning circles are subject to change. Please check with the web site, or the Learning Circle Coordinator, for any changes or additions. A Special Welcome To NewcomersWe are so glad you are with us at Quest. We invite you to attend the Newcomers Circle 'So This is Your First Quest?' on Friday night (4:30 - 5:30). Attendance is not mandatory, but you will learn many helpful tips. Take a moment to look over the "What To Bring" list. If you think you will be lost without a certain item for the weekend, go ahead and pack it. Make sure you bring lots of ritual items, like clothing, staffs, jewelry, etc. During the Opening, Main and Closing Rituals, it is common to see participants dressed in their finest ritual garb. Robes, dresses, tunics, gowns, cloaks and capes decorated with symbols meaningful to the participants' traditions or body painting in colorful designs are worn by many. Plus, there is always lots of glitter! Remember, you are here to have fun. If you have questions at any time throughout the weekend, please feel free to ask a Staff or Board member. We are here to help you have an enjoyable weekend. Be ready to meet many different people from many different paths. Bring an open mind and heart, and be ready to learn, teach, share, listen and make new friends. We hope you find yourself sharing YOUR Magical Path within Our Sacred Community. Welcome to Quest! So This Is Your First Quest?Facilitators: Becky Starr, Cynthia Campbell,
and Gryphon Rosemead Back for its third year by popular demand, Quest is presenting a Learning Circle for new folks. This fun, fact-filled mini Learning Circle is offered to anyone attending their first Quest. Please come even if you are a veteran of other gatherings. Becky, Cynthia and Gryphon have attended several Quests and promise you some fun and a few surprises. Anyone who has attended Quest may come and offer their favorite tip. Learning Circle DescriptionsFriday 2:00 - 4:00 PMChildren's Learning Circle (LC):- Creating Our SpaceFacilitator: Tim and Sherri Woody Bring children to the their workshop area 5 minutes before LC's and pick them up immediately after LC's. We will take this time to explore and familiarize ourselves with the camp and to decorate the children's area. Once again we will use sidewalk chalk to personalize the walkways at Camp Lapihio and would like to encourage everyone else that passes by to take some time out during the weekend to add to our sidewalk murals. We will keep colored chalk out and available all weekend. The Fool's Journey: Exploring the Major Arcana of the TarotFacilitator: Lance Brown The Fool's Journey is a metaphor for our journey through life. Each card of the Major Arcana represents experiences in that journey we must incorporate into our lives to fully realize ourselves. We will walk with the Fool as he steps off the cliff at the beginning of his quest and ultimately attains mastery of himself and the Universe before returning to the cliff and stepping off to begin the cycle again. If you have a deck (or several!) please bring them with you. We will be sharing from a wide variety of decks, and the more the merrier. Magickal Makings of Broom WaysFacilitator: Amanda Marcias - CANCELLED Reiki: Healing Body, Mind and SpiritFacilitator: Vickie Penninger In this Learning Circle, I will explain the origins of Reiki, what it is, how it works to promote healing at every level, and how anyone can learn Reiki to use on self, others, plants and animals. I will demonstrate the hand positions on self and others. I will offer Reiki to volunteers from the audience so that attendees can feel the subtle, yet powerful, energy. Priest/Priestess TrainingFacilitator: Cherie Lassiter What is a Priest or Priestess? She/He is a vessel for the Spirit, a living chalice for the light and power of the God/Goddess. In ancient times there were mystery schools to find and develop these gifts and powers. Those who chose or were chosen to be an instrument of healing, divination and the magical arts devoted years and lifetimes to become a voice or instrument of the Divine. This workshop offers a sacred space and time to assist one in accessing and remembering your God/Goddess self. We will explore Wicca, divination, ritual work and Elemental Magick. We will work to clarify and heal current issues and conflicts within your life in order to manifest your goals, dreams and desires of the heart. This workshop is open to all, beginning or advanced. We all have something to offer, learn and share. Come with an open heart and mind. Body Art for RitualFacilitator: Tamia Buckingham Since earliest times, world cultures have used the skin as a canvass for ritualistic art. Permanent body art - such as ritual scarification, piercing, and tattoo - often marked a rite of initiation or similar passage. Temporary body art, including henna (North African and Middle Eastern cultures) and woad (Celtic cultures), played a similar role. Come explore temporary body art and unleash the images in your heart and mind on your own canvass of skin. Materials for henna, water-color markers, temporary tattoo inks, and rub-on tattoos will be available for adorning your body for the weekend. As well, examples of ritual body art from around the world will be available for inspiration. There will be a $5 fee for this LC for materials. Note! - For those participants that need to remain discreet in their mundane lives, please note: henna-work can remain on the skin for several weeks, whereas other forms will last just a few days. Friday after RitualMagick for Transformation I: MicrocosmFacilitator: Chantress Maddy This series of 3 Learning Circles (LC) focuses on how we can use Magick for self-transformation, and how those changes in turn influence the lives of others, our community, and the world. In this first LC, we'll go into detail on how to use various methods to change the most easily influenced sphere: our Self. We'll cover methods from chakra meditations to mirror-work, inner time-travel to astrology. No matter how long you've been using magick, everyone (from beginner to advanced practitioner) will gain something new from each of these workshops. Saturday 9:00 - 11:00 AMChildren's Learning Circle (LC):- With Our HandsFacilitator: Tim and Sherri Woody Bring children to the their workshop area 5 minutes before LC's and pick them up immediately after LC's. In keeping with our Quest theme for this year ,"With Our Hands and With Our Hearts...", the children will make treasured keepsakes that they can wear: tee shirts with their handprints in the shape of a heart. Fun with Honey and Yeast!Facilitator: Ben Starr This Learning Circle will explore the art and science of making mead. We will look at basic techniques, recipes, equipment and ingredients for various meads, melomels (fruit-flavored mead), metheglins (herb-flavored mead) and cysers (mead with apple juice). Attendees will go home with one gallon of fermenting mead, an airlock and tubing to finish off their own luscious concoction. Alcohol is not allowed on the premises, so there will be NO tasting of mead at this event. There will be a $10 fee for this Learning Circle for materials and take-homes. Merry mead, merry part, and merry mead again!!! Plant Medicine for WomenFacilitator: Kathy Sage This Learning Circle will introduce you to herbs used in different traditions to nurture the needs of women at various points and passages in life. We will explore how to use and make teas, liquid extracts and dried herbs to honor the body and spirit with the gifts of plants in their various forms. We'll focus on six herbs in detail, with time for questions and discussion of additional herbs and medicinal systems. We will end by offering you the chance to concoct your personal blend of tea to take with you. Greencraft WiccaFacilitator: Christine Ahrens Greencraft is a tradition of Wicca. Greencraft Tradition is a metamorphosis of the Alexandrian Tradition that was brought to the Benelux in the 1970s. Greencraft emerged as an identifiable stand-alone Tradition in Amsterdam in 1994. It is derived largely from one particular tradition, based in the New Forest area of the South of England; although this has been cross fertilized by contact with other traditions. Animal and Nature CommunicationFacilitator: Chris Wend Beginning level workshop on how to communicate with animals and nature. Learn how to experience animals' perspectives, and how you have already communicated with them. Experience a deep appreciation for all forms of life. Enhance and strengthen your understanding and relationships with your animal companions & all forms of nature. Saturday 2:30 - 4:30 PMChildren's Learning Circle (LC):- Wind MusicFacilitator: Tim and Sherri Woody Bring children to the their workshop area 5 minutes before LC's and pick them up immediately after LC's. We will use recycled common household materials to design wind chimes. Children will make their own chime to take home. Chimes will be displayed on the porch of the children's workshop area for everyone to come by and admire. Shamanism (1st offering)Facilitator: Danny Moses Shamanism is viewed by many as the world's oldest and (originally) most widely practiced form of spirituality. Yet it is also one of the most misunderstood, shrouded in hype, sensationalism, and vilification. This brief overview is designed to explore how Shamanism is viewed and practiced throughout the world, in both ancient and modern times. Magick for Transformation II: MacrocosmFacilitator: Chantress Maddy This series of 3 Learning Circles (LC) focuses on how we can use Magick for self-transformation, and how those changes in turn influence the lives of others, our community, and the world. In this 2nd LC, after working on our selves and personal views, we will look toward those around us. Topics include being there for friends and family when they need us, putting others before self without losing our identities, and how to make the world a better place one person at a time. We will talk about how magick can be used to augment the things we can do mundanely to affect change. No matter how long you've been using magick, everyone (from beginner to advanced practitioner) will gain something new from each of these workshops. Gift of Pleasure - Head and Neck MassageFacilitator: Dick Merritt Being able to touch skillfully and sensitively enhances our sensual expression. To touch with awareness is a beautiful gift for a friend or lover. Massage and the healing power of touch underlie most bodywork and healing energy modalities. It can be a part of many diverse spiritual paths. Besides, it is fun. Learning circle consists of demonstrations and practice. Participants will learn to give and exchange relaxing and healing massage of the head, face and neck. Each participant should bring a towel. Oil is furnished. African Diaspora PathsFacilitator: Sky Bradshaw & Ashara Sweetwater What is Vodou? Vodou is a religion that began in Africa and is now dominant to Haiti. It has several basic concepts that all surround the main belief of service of the Spirit. There is one God, Bondeye, and thousands of *demigods*, known as Loa. The central characteristic of Vodou is healing people and service to the Spirit. What Is Santeria? Commonly known as the Way of the Saints. Its origins date back to the slave trade when Yoruba natives were forcibly transported from Africa to the Caribbean. We honor all paths of Spirit, whether you work with the energies of the Lucumi Orisha or the Vodou Loa. Respect and sincere intent are keywords of all practice. Tarot Magick: An Introduction To Using The Tarot For Ritual And SpellworkFacilitator: Beth Owl's Daughter Tarot is a well-known tool for divination, for gauging what energies are at work and for making adjustments and decisions based on the many variables that may appear in a reading. But the cards can also be used as a powerful tool for transformation and for manifesting our desires. In this workshop, we will work with the tarot, particularly the Major Arcana, as an ally that helps us to move energy for our desired intention. Open to beginners as well as seasoned tarot practitioners. Participants should bring their favorite decks (if any). Sunday 9:00 - 11:00 AMChildren's Learning Circle (LC):- Remembering Our Time TogetherFacilitator: Tim and Sherri Woody Bring children to the their workshop area 5 minutes before LC's and pick them up immediately after LC's. The children will use printed digital pictures of their weekend activities to create mementos of our time together. Each family will have a favorite photo framed and decorated by their child to take home. CDs of all the pictures will be available for parents upon request. Magick for Transformation III: Global ChangeFacilitator: Chantress MaddyTime slot: Sunday Morning 9:00-11:00 This series of 3 Learning Circles (LC) focuses on how we can use Magick for self-transformation, and how those changes in turn influence the lives of others, our community, and the world. In this 3rd LC, building on the principles of transforming ourselves and our immediate environment, we will look at the meaning of Community, the obstacles we face in our individual communities, and ways to transform individuals and groups into a flourishing Community. Magick for various aspects of community-building will be presented and discussed. We will also look at the prospect of Global change, the most difficult sphere to influence, examine if this is a realistic goal, and how we might begin to affect change in the world, both mundanely and magickally. No matter how long you've been using magick, everyone (from beginner to advanced practitioner) will gain something new from each of these workshops. Astrology: Weaving the Power of Planetary Cycles into our Personal LivesFacilitator: George Ward Time slot: Sunday Morning 9:00-11:00In this workshop we will explore how the changing movement of the planets through the zodiac influences both our personal and collective experiences. Astrology helps us understand and bring significance to the circumstances we create. Studying these astrological cycles over time can help us see our patterns. It can help us reinterpret and heal the meaning of events in our past in a more empowering way that supports our intentions for the future. Astrological symbolism offers us lessons and choices to use the power of the present to create our reality. Lunar, Solar, and larger planetary cycles will be discussed in this workshop and people of all levels of understanding in astrology are welcome from beginner to advanced. There is no cost or materials needed for this workshop - just an open mind and a sense of awe and magic when gazing at the sky! Got Rocks?Facilitator: WhaledancerTime slot: Sunday Morning 9:00-11:00 Rocks, rocks, and more rocks? Do you feel drawn to pick up rocks wherever you go? Bring your "pet" rocks to the Learning Circle and we will experiment with "The Laying on of Rocks." This circle will be all experiential as we determine whether a rock has a message for us, how to use them in healing, and learn some of their qualities. A Basic introduction to NumerologyFacilitator: Tracy BrittoTime slot: Sunday Morning 9:00-11:00 Through the study of numbers and their meanings we can gain an insight to our natural abilities, the purpose for our life, as well as affirm who we are and provide a guide to the best times to make adjustments based on the information we learn. In this workshop we will construct a Numerology Chart and be given information to help us analyze our charts. Shamanism (2nd offering)Facilitator: Danny MosesTime slot: Sunday Morning 9:00-11:00 Shamanism is viewed by many as the world's oldest and (originally) most widely practiced form of spirituality. Yet it is also one of the most misunderstood, shrouded in hype, sensationalism, and vilification. This brief overview is designed to explore how Shamanism is viewed and practiced throughout the world, in both ancient and modern times. Music with Cherie LassiterFacilitator: Cherie LassiterTime slot: Sunday Morning 9:00-11:00 Cherie Lassiter will be performing music from her CD, Heart Shadows, as well as material from her new CD due out next year. Musicians who have instruments are encouraged to join in! Learning Circle Presenter & Spring Quest Staff BiographiesChristine Ahrens has been Wiccan for 16 years. She has been associated with the Greencraft tradition for almost 4 years. She was ordained as a Wiccan deaconess in the Greencraft tradition in 2003. She lives at Ft. Bragg, NC with her husband and three children. Amy Brann has been involved with Carolina Spirit Quest since 2003, and was the director of Winter Quest '05. In addition to CSQ, she is involved with Celebrate the Circle in Durham as well as a couple other closed groups. An armchair astrologer, she is a Pisces with Libra Rising going through her Saturn Return. Describing herself as a "Hello Bast Pagan," she follows the Egyptian traditions, with an insatiable curiosity about many other paths - and a copious love of everything feminine. Tracy Britto follows an eclectic Wiccan path. She has been involved in the Raleigh Pagan community since 2000. A transplant from Massachusetts, she has been studying Paganism for over 12 years. She is currently a member of Sacred Spiral, Eclectic Arcanum and co-founder of Sisters of the Enchanted Circle. A math teacher by profession, she is interested in numerology and tarot. Tracy was a representative at the NCPL Conference in Jan 2003 for Eclectic Arcanum and Co-coordinator for the 2004 Central NC Pagan Leadership Conference. Lance Brown is an eclectic modern techno Pagan and Unitarian Universalist. His path includes influences from Wicca, Celtic Paganism, and Native American traditions with a strong focus on his patroness, Brighid, and Bear, his totem and spirit guide. Lance is a member of Celebrate The Circle and the Ord Brigideach. He has studied the Tarot for 18 years and has been teaching a series of classes at Celebrate The Circle on the Major Arcana for the past two years. Tamia Buckingham combines her earth-based spirituality and finance/accounting training as the financial officer of a sustainable agriculture non-profit. A perpetual student, she studies an eclectic suite of spiritual topics ranging from Aboriginal Australian Dreamtime to Industrial Applications of Feng Shui. Her path meanders in the vicinities of Celebrate the Circle, One Spirit Sanctuary, & PagaNet. Cynthia Campbell is a full-time mom and long-time pagan dedicated to Inanna. She is one of the Co-Directors of Spring Quest 2005 and Secretary of the Carolina Spirit Quest Board. She meets with Celebrate the Circle, where she enjoys teaching circles as well as learning from others. Her many spiritual interests include pagan chants, tarot, runes, historical research, and thread & fiber crafts. She lives in Hillsborough, NC with her husband Dan, daughter Jessica, and two infamous cats. Dan Campbell is an eclectic pagan artist with wide ranging interests including Celtic and Scandinavian paganism, Neolithic prehistory, shamanism, Druidry, divination, poetry, oil painting, hand-spinning, home-brewing, and run-on sentences. Bill Elston, a Druid for over 30 years, a cook by trade, Reiki master, herbalism student, Tarot and Rune reader. Currently working on developing the Oghams (ancient Irish memory developing system) as a tool for healing. Cherie Lassiter has years of experience as a psychic channel and teacher in the Spiritual Community. She has traveled and worked internationally and has appeared on television as well as numerous radio shows throughout North Carolina. Cherie is an ordained priestess with the Sanctuary of the Beloved and is a powerful channel for light and healing. Cherie is available for private consultation either in person or by phone. Cherie has been playing music her entire life and in 1995 released the critically acclaimed album "Heart Shadows". Chantress Maddy is a Unitarian Universalist Pagan. Over the years, she has been an active member in various Pagan groups in the Triangle. Currently, she is a Practitioner in the Durham Circle of the Sacred Order of Living Paganism, where she is student, teacher, and one of the founding members. Her key interests include meditation, writing, singing/songwriting, practical and transformational magicks. Amanda Marcias is a member of Pope/Bragg Open Circle and founder of Sage of the Phoenix. A Pagan for over 6 years, she lives at Fort Bragg, NC with her Pagan hubby Lorenzo Marcias and their 8 animals. Dick Merritt, a retired professional member of the American Massage Therapy Association, led massage workshops for many years. Dick grew into paganism through the influence of eco-feminist spirituality in the 80's. It was a natural fit, given his agrarian background. He is an eclectic neo-pagan and Unitarian Universalist. Dick characterizes himself as a Joseph Campbell pagan because of his conviction that religion is metaphor. Strongly influenced by the Creation Spirituality movement, he describes himself as a panentheist. He enjoys frequent rituals and purification ceremonies. A techno-pagan, he is a retired UNIX technician. Danny Moses has been exploring and practicing various forms of spirituality for over 30 years. This search has led him down many strange, interesting and unusual paths. For the last 6 years he has focused exclusively on the spiritual practices of the Northern Europeans. Beth Owl's Daughter has been a witch for many lifetimes, including most of this one. For over 30 years, she has been working with the tarot as a method to help people gain insight, clarity, and empowerment. She is a professional tarot consultant and a member of the American Tarot Association. She also works extensively with the magical energies of herbs and flowers. She honors Brigid, Gaia and the Baba Yaga in her daily practice, as well as the devas and Ancient Ones who bless the magical cottage in the woods that she shares with her husband, professional photographer John Rottet. They are currently owned by two cats. Vickie Penninger is a Reiki Master/Teacher and Healing Touch Practitioner who individualizes each healing session using crystals, gemstones, color, and flower/mineral essences. She is co-founder of the Center for Quantum Clearing, which provides healing at all levels: including karmic, past life, physical, mental, emotional, psychic, spiritual, etc. Vickie has been teaching Reiki since 1997. Classes in all levels of Traditional Usui Reiki are ongoing. Vickie also teaches Crystal Energy Therapy and does past life regression, Life Force Healing, Hara Repair, Spirit Release, energetic cord cuttings, and energetic cleansing of property. Raven has lived a varied but exciting path and feels a very close and deep connection with the Divine, in all of it's aspects. He believes strongly in creating an inclusive and welcoming community where all paths are respected and encouraged, recognizing our differences while celebrating our commonalities. Similarly, he is very committed to the support of our soldiers and their families, especially during this period of lengthy deployments to combat areas overseas. "I feel that, whether we believe 'you only go around once' or you are reborn through many lives, the result is the same. What we do has an effect on both others and our world." Gryphon Rosemead has been practicing the craft since the early 70's and has given Workshops and done Rituals at many public and private gatherings from WV and NC to NY. She is a public Pagan, High Priestess, Elder and has earned a BS and MEd from the University of Georgia. Gryph is a National Board Certified Agriculture Teacher in the mountains of NC and lives with her cats, Grandmother and Josh and her K-9 companion, Skye. For more information visit her website at http://www.angelfire.com/nc/gryphon. She can be contacted at gryph@pobox.com. Kathy Sage has worked with medicinal herbs for 12 years, during her tenure as team leader and educator for a prominent natural foods store. She studied with several herbalists across the country as part of her professional training, and has attended numerous intensives on herbalism, natural medicine and natural foods. She first awakened to the natural world and its gifts as a child in rural Northern Michigan, and developed her interest in travels to Nepal, Europe, Russia and the Caribbean. She has recently taught herbal medicine Learning Circles and given presentations at Rex Wellness Center, the Cary Library, and Carolina Spirit Quest's Quest Special program. Kathy believes that plants hold energetic wisdom and healing which extends beyond the realm of physical compounds, and are to be revered for their unique consciousness. Becky Starr considers herself an eclectic Egyptian pagan. She is a trainer by profession and passion, finding herself a now frequent Learning Circle leader for Celebrate the Circle and Quest events. Becky is one of the Co-Directors for Spring Quest 2005 and Vice President of Carolina Spirit Quest. Becky is a Priestess of Isis, member and frequent ritual team-member of CTC, and lives in Durham, NC with her hubby, son and cat. Ben Starr has been making meads, cysers and melomels for about a year (just ask any of his friends how good his meads are!). He is also a frequent contributor on GotMead.com. Ben lives in Durham with his wife and son - and currently fermenting 15 gallons of mead. Chris Starr is in the 9th grade, attends Celebrate the Circle and often helps out with rituals. This will be his 3rd time attending Carolina Sprit Quest and 1st time on the staff. George Ward is a local astrologer who works through Dancing Moon Bookstore. George has been studying and practicing astrology for over 20 years. He is published in an astrological column in a quarterly international journal called the "Pleiadian Times". George teaches astrology classes and workshops in addition to his personal astrological consulting services. He is also on the board of the Network of Triangle Astrologers and regularly sponsors astrological speakers and events in the Triangle. Chris Wend's professional background is in clinical and medical research, computer operations and data analysis. He has owned a successful pet sitting agency for 7 years that specializes in the care of animals with special needs, and is Co-founder of Happy at Home Health and Pet Hospice service. For the last 5 years, he has also been working as an animal communicator and intuitive & spiritual counselor for people. Whaledancer describes herself as "on her path" which winds around stones, animal medicine, astrology, metaphysics and into eddies and deep forests - as Spirit wills. In "realtime" she has a B. S. in Geography and has worked in the Environmental field as an educator, policymaker and water specialist. "When I tried to determine when I started my path," she says, "I discovered there wasn't a time in my life when I didn't do all this. I just didn't have the vocabulary to put my paradigm into!" Tim Woody is a father of 3 and has been involved with CSQ since 1998. Starting in 2002, he has help- ed with the Children's Program at Spring Quest. Tim is a member of the CSQ Board and of Celebrate the Circle. He co-founded Children's Circle in Hillsborough. ![]() If you wish to be on our postal mailing list, email Dick Merritt at dickmerritt@mindspring.com with your name and mailing address. For information on events from previous years please follow the History links from the main events page. ![]() To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster. Last updated 3/4/05 |