Dessert and Magickal Auction
Come join us for dessert and the annual CSQ Magickal Auction! All day Saturday you will be
able to bid on some very special items and services donated by our members and vendors. The Silent Auction works
this way:
- The items and/or description of them will be on bid sheets in the Mess Hall starting
early Saturday.
- Simply record your name and bid amount on the description form.
- If someone outbids you, enter a new bid. Bids can be raised in whole dollar increments.
- After the Main Ritual Saturday evening, we will assemble in the Mess Hall to conclude the auction.
- Bid sheets will be collected and the winners identified.
- For all items, delivery of the item will be made upon
receipt of payment for the donation amount.
A few items may be sold in Live Auction. Stay and participate in the fun. All proceeds
of the auction will go to fund future CSQ projects and events. These funds allow Quest to
try new ideas.
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact info@carolinaspiritquest,org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 02/03/2009