Spring Quest 2006 - Proforma Budget
| 41 |
65 | 80 | 100 | Number of Full Time Equivalent Participants |
| Income |
Registration | $3,519 | $5,525 | 6,800 | $8,500 |
Learning Circle Fees | $72 | $114 | $140 | $175 |
Vendor Fees | $41 | $65 | $80 | $100 |
Convenience Fees | $77 | $121 | $150 | $187 |
Late Fees | $83 | $130 | $160 | $200 |
T-Shirt income | $234 | $367 | $451 | $564 |
Total Income | $4,027 | $6,322 | $7,781 | $9,726
| |
| Expenses |
Facilities Rental | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 |
Equipment Rental 7 Supplies | $214 | $273 | $310 | $360 |
Meals - participants | $820 | $1,300 | $1,600 | $2,000 |
T-shirt expense | $401 | $514 | $586 | $682 |
Learning Circle & Ritual Materials | $124 | $195 | $240 | $300 |
Children's Program | $113 | $178 | $219 | $273 |
Other Programs | $83 | $130 | $160 | $200 |
Communications Supplies | $52 | $81 | $100 | $125 |
PayPal Fees | $99 | $155 | $190 | $230 |
Printing | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 |
Mailing | $225 | $225 | $225 | $225 |
Total Expenses | $4,030 | $4,950 | $5,530 | $6,303 |
| |
Net Surplus (Deficit) | $(3) | $1,372 | $2,251 | $3,423 |
41 full-time adult participants is the break-even point. Below that attendance, the event loses money.
Note that a children 6-11 and day-pass participants are counted as on half FTE.
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact info@carolinaspiritquest,org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 02/26/06