Spring 2006 Staff
The Staff of Spring Spirit Quest 2006 is:
- Co-Directors - Spring 2006:
- Cynthia Campbell - Hillsborough, NC - moonfire72@gmail.com
- Lance Brown - Hillsborough, NC - lance@bearcircle.net
- Communications Manager: Dick Merritt - Hillsborough, NC
- dickmerritt@mindspring.com
- Catalog Editor: Dan Campbell - Hillsborough, NC - vidholf [at] gmail [dot] com
- Registrar: Jag - Durham, NC
- agrajag@dragaera.net
- Electronic Communications Coordinator: Open
- Publicity Coordinator: Open
- T-Shirt Coordinator: Dick Merritt - Hillsborough, NC
- dickmerritt@mindspring.com
- Staff Photographer: Gryphon Rosemead - Boone, NC-
- Programs Manager: Christine Ahrens - Fayetteville, NC -
- Learning Circle Coordinator: Raven - Raleigh, NC -
- Ritual Coordinator: Becky Starr - Durham, NC - lukystarr@aol.com
- Children’s Program Coordinator: Tim Woody - Hillsborough, NC -
- Children’s Ritual Coordinator: Sherri Woody - Hillsborough, NC -
- Other Programs: Amy Brann - Hillsborough NC - ymasen@bearcircle.net
- Facilities/Operations Manager: Ben Starr - Durham, NC -
- Facilities Assistant: Chris Starr - Durham, NC
- Food Services Coordinator: Lewis Pyburn Jr. - Fayetteville, NC
- Community Service Coordinator: Steph Taylor - Greensboro, NC -
- Security & Safety: Kara Mueller - Ashburn, VA -
- Treasurer:
- Dick Merritt - Hillsborough, NC
- dickmerritt@mindspring.com
- Co-Directors-elect - Spring 2007:
- Raven - Raleigh, NC - ravenswood98@yahoo.com
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact info@carolinaspiritquest,org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 04/12/06