Financial Aid The Bart Wendell Scholarship Fund
Carolina Spirit Quest offers financial assistance, in the form of the Bart Wendell
Scholarship, to help community members that might otherwise be unable to attend Quest.
Everyone attending Quest is eligible to apply for a schoalrship of up to half of their
registration fee. This does not include Learning Circle Fees, clean-up deposit, CSQ
membership, or other fees/costs. If you wish to apply, we ask that you fill out a
registration form and send it along with a sliding scale deposit of $10 to $20 and a
completed Financial Assistance Form to our PO box. It must be postmarked
by March 14, 2008. All applications will be reviewed at once by the scholarship
committee. Please note the agreements at the bottom of the application form. Please
understand you may not receive the entire amount you request. We will try to accommodate
as many people as possible.
If you wish to make a donation to the scholarship fund, please make out a
check to CSQ, marked for the Bart Wendell Scholarship Fund, and send it to our
PO Box. Our postal address is
Carolina Spirit Quest Post Office Box 61335 Durham, NC 27715-1335
Scholarship Application Form
Questions? Email us at info@carolinaspiritquest,org
For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please
contact info@carolinaspiritquest,org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.
Last updated 1/16/08